UNESCO-WIPO side event : Protecting, Preserving and Promoting Indigenous Languages: International Year of Indigenous Languages
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages (Ref.: 71/178) in order to raise global attention on the critical risks confronting indigenous languages and its significance for sustainable development, reconciliation, good governance and peace-building. The celebrations in 2019 will contribute to the access to and promotion of, indigenous languages and to a concrete improvement in the lives of indigenous peoples by strengthening the capacities of indigenous language speakers and relevant indigenous peoples’ organizations.
Several consultations were launched with a range of stakeholders to define major objectives, areas of interventions and further actions to be taken, during the International Year. The outcomes of this consultative process resulted in the elaboration of the Action Plan which lays the foundation for implementation of the above-mentioned Resolution 71/178 and provides a solid basis for a coordinated and joint action. The Action Plan calls for a coherent approach and for joint collaborative action by all stakeholders to achieve maximal positive impact and social change with regard to indigenous languages and their communities. It provides a comprehensive overview of key objectives, principles and actions to be taken, during and beyond the International Year.