Gohwééh hashtł’ishí dóó Bááh łikání
Gohwééh hashtł’ishí dóó Bááh łikáni (Coffee and donuts)!
This is the third of a series of four Gohwééh and bááh likání meetings. For one hour each month, we will get together to speak Diné bizaad. We encourage speaking Diné bizaad and support it by creating opportunities to come together and use the Navajo language. Our students are encouraged to attend and we invite any individual interested in Navajo. The focus will be on speaking the language, being in the language rather than talking about the language. We will provide hot chocolate and cookies to get our tongues going!
There are several other indigenous languages of the southwest (Zuni, Keres, Towa, etc.) and we welcome speakers of other indigenous languages to join us and speak their language.
The last Gohwééh dóó bááh łikání will be on December 3, 2019.